Why Does Marijuana Have Side Effects?

It’s All in the Name...

Why does marijuana have side effects? The whole story is contained in the Chinese name for marijuana.

Marijuana’s name in Chinese is Huo Ma, which means Fire Hemp. They call marijuana Huo Ma because of its fiery nature.

What’s a fiery nature? It means that if you take marijuana it can have the same effect on you as if you were exposed to fire. If you expose yourself a little bit, it will just warm you up. A little bit more, and you’ll start drying out. Even more, and you’ll begin burning, and so on.

Marijuana can starts a kind of a fire inside of you when you take it. This fire takes a definite progression through your body and mind if you expose yourself to it again and again. This is the progression described by the marijuana syndromes.

The more you can learn about the marijuana syndromes and how to treat them, the more you’ll be able to help people balance their relationship with marijuana, whatever it may be.

For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Marijuana Effects Index


More Resources

If you want western explanations for how all of this works, here are some excellent descriptions of how marijuana affects different mechanisms in the body.

For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine
