Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Acne?

Marijuana and Skin Problems

There are several links between marijuana use and cystic acne, plain old acne and other skin issues, as well.

The reason is that unbalanced marijuana’s hot and toxic nature can affect the lung qi, wei qi and poison the blood over time.

Marijuana and Lung Qi

The lung qi governs the surface of the body and regulates the pores of the skin and body hairs. When unbalanced marijuana confuses and congests the lung qi, the mechanisms of the pores also get confused. This messes with their functions and can easily lead to them getting plugged up.

Marijuana and Wei Qi

The wei qi regulates the immune system at the level of the skin. As unbalanced marijuana compromises the wei qi, the circulation in the skin changes and becomes less efficient. Gunk pools up and you break out.

Marijuana and The Blood

Unbalanced marijuana’s hot nature heats up the blood, which is the underlying factor for nearly all skin conditions, anyway. If a person’s blood already hovers in the hot zone already, marijuana can tip it there very easily. This effect gets radically compounded with marijuana’s toxins, which pollute the blood over time. The body then tries to get rid of these toxins through the skin, often resulting in cystic acne.

How to Balance It

What can a person do about marijuana causing acne? Either stop taking marijuana, or do something to balance it. Eating cooling moistening foods, exercise and take Balance the Herb , an OTC herbal formula that balances the side effects of marijuana. It’s pretty much that simple.

Other Treatments and Therapies
Qi Gong
Acupuncture and Herbal Treatments

For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Marijuana Effects Index


More Resources

Be extra careful about blocking cannabinoid receptors in children...

For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine
